5 alarming signs of high blood sugar

5 alarming signs of high blood sugar

Due to the pandemic, there has been a surge in diabetes cases around the world. This rise has been exacerbated by low-grade inflammation caused due to viral infections, which impact insulin resistance. According to research, these viruses can replicate within pancreatic beta-cells, where insulin is produced. This further affects the synthesis and secretion process of the hormone. This sudden increase has made it more critical to recognize the five alarming signs of high blood sugar. Excessive thirst Also known as polydipsia, excessive thirst is a common sign of high blood sugar caused by dehydration resulting from frequent urination. Patients with high blood sugar levels might constantly battle the urge to drink fluids to quench their insatiable thirst. Increased hunger People with high blood sugar are also prone to increased hunger as a sign of their condition. Polyphagia causes the body’s cells to miss out on receiving sufficient energy from glucose. In order to cope with it, the body breaks down stored fat and muscle tissue, which might cause unintentional loss of body mass. Frequent urination Polyuria is also one of the common signs of high blood sugar. The kidney’s primary function is to eliminate excessive sugar in the body. The urge to empty the bladder is more frequent at night, known as nocturia.
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Watch out for these 5 warning signs of Parkinson’s disease

Watch out for these 5 warning signs of Parkinson’s disease

A debilitating neurological disorder, Parkinson’s disease, affects the nervous system. It is generally observed among those above the age of 60 years. In some cases, people below 50 also develop an early onset of the disease. It is common among those with a family history of the condition. Over time, the effect on the nervous system becomes apparent through several symptoms. There are warning signs of Parkinson’s that should not be ignored, which can help seek diagnosis and treatment. Temors in the hands This is one of the most noticeable warning signs of Parkinson’s. It is also known as rhythmic shaking. The tremors or shaking start to occur in the limbs of the hands or fingers. Sometimes, there is a pill-rolling tremor that causes a person to rub their thumb and forefinger against each other. The handwriting grows smaller It is normal for handwriting to change with age. However, Parkinson’s causes a person’s handwriting to become smaller, making it illegible over time. The words appear crowded, or the lines are not straight. This condition caused by Parkinson’s is also known as micrographia. The movements become slow Parkinson’s progresses over time to cause a person’s movements to become slower. They start to walk slower than their regular speed.
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5 bad habits that lead to poor skin

5 bad habits that lead to poor skin

There is so much advice floating around us when it comes to skincare. From online trends to old lores, it is important to filter this information and create a skincare routine that will get you closer to achieving your skin goals. However, while searching for the right products and foods, several bad habits can wreak havoc on your skin and slow down your progress. Here are five skincare habits that can worsen skin health: Not wearing sunscreen around the year Many of us assume that the sun isn’t bright or visible enough to affect our skin during the winter months. But, the sun’s UV rays still percolate to the ground and can affect your skin. To prevent photodamage from this exposure, wearing sunscreen all year round is important. Not removing your makeup before bed Washing your face before going to bed is one of the most important steps in your skincare routine. Throughout the day, your skin is exposed to several things, such as makeup, dust, dirt, and grime. Washing your face at the end of the day will help you remove these from the surface of your skin so they do not clog your pores and lead to more breakouts.
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5 foods to improve blood count and blood circulation

5 foods to improve blood count and blood circulation

Poor blood circulation can occur due to a number of health conditions. These include peripheral artery disease or PAD, diabetes, and Raynaud’s disease. While these require treatments prescribed by healthcare professionals, eating certain foods to improve blood count and blood circulation can also help. These foods also benefit athletes and those who indulge in physical activities to improve recovery and stamina. Here are some of these few foods to add to everyday meals. Broccoli One of the healthiest cruciferous vegetables is broccoli, which is packed with several nutrients. It is a rich source of vitamin B9 or folate. This nutrient is important to increase the count of red blood cells in the body. Adding broccoli to salads, stir-fried meals, and other food options can help the body produce red blood cells quicker, thus improving blood count and blood circulation. Bananas Adding bananas to cereal or having banana smoothies is not just filling but also extremely good for blood. This is because bananas are one of the richest sources of potassium. Potassium can lower blood pressure and improve blood flow. This is especially helpful if there is an excess of sodium in the body. High levels of sodium can lead to high blood pressure.
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4 foods that worsen atrial fibrillation

4 foods that worsen atrial fibrillation

A person’s daily meals are vital for their overall cardiovascular health. Regularly consuming healthy and nutrient-rich foods can help one’s heart and circulatory system function efficiently, providing oxygen and nutrients to all body parts. However, certain foods can worsen symptoms of conditions like atrial fibrillation, where the heart beats too quickly. This article discusses 4 foods to avoid to prevent the development or worsening of such conditions. Read on to learn more. Salted chips Salt is a major cause of heart issues in individuals, so healthcare experts advise people with existing heart conditions to consume it in moderation (only 1,200 milligrams of sodium daily). Salt contains sodium, which increases the blood volume and makes it harder for the heart to pump it. This leads to atrial fibrillation or a worsening of the condition’s symptoms. Salted potato chips contain massive amounts of salt, making them one of the worst foods for those with atrial fibrillation. High sodium levels in the blood can also cause potassium levels to decrease. Potassium is essential for the heart to work properly and efficiently. Therefore, a potassium deficiency can lessen the effectiveness of one’s cardiovascular system. White bread Gluten is just as bad as salt for people with heart conditions.
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4 signs of poor eye health due to high sugar

4 signs of poor eye health due to high sugar

High blood sugar can lead to several diabetic eye diseases, such as glaucoma, diabetic retinopathy, cataracts, and diabetic macular edema. Several signs of poor eye health usually precede these conditions. If not treated on time, these can lead to permanent eye damage, including blindness. Thus, it is recommended to undergo eye exams regularly when a person has high blood sugar, but before that, here are some warning signs to be aware of. Poor eye health signs to look out for Blurry vision One of the most common signs of poor eye health due to high sugar levels is blurry vision. If the level of sugar in the blood exceeds a certain limit, it can cause the eye lenses to swell. This affects the vision, making things appear blurry and unclear. Many people often mistake this sign for a change in the power of their prescription glasses. However, if someone has high blood sugar, it is best to get the sugar levels checked and consult a doctor. Experiencing a glare in vision High sugar levels can make the lens of the eyes cloudy. The internal lens of the eyes work similarly to a camera. So whenever the lens gets cloudy, the eyes cannot focus on objects and cannot see properly.
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5 lung conditions that cause breathing problems

5 lung conditions that cause breathing problems

Breathing is our bodies’ innate and essential function, allowing us to absorb life-sustaining oxygen. That said, various lung conditions can disrupt this natural process, leading to breathing difficulties and significant challenges to individuals’ overall well-being. This article attempts to shed light on some of the most common culprits behind breathing difficulty, highlighting the importance of understanding these conditions to promote early detection, effective management, and improved quality of life. Common lung conditions that can cause breathing difficulties The respiratory system is a complex network of organs, including the lungs, bronchi, and airways, that exchange oxygen and carbon dioxide. When this intricate system encounters disruptions, breathing difficulties can arise. Here are a few common lung conditions that can contribute to this challenge: Asthma: Asthma, a chronic inflammatory disease of the airways, affects millions worldwide. It causes the airways to become narrow, leading to symptoms such as wheezing, shortness of breath, and chest tightness. Triggers like allergens, exercise, and stress can provoke asthma attacks, making breathing difficult for those affected. Fortunately, asthma can be effectively managed with proper diagnosis and lifestyle modifications. Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease (COPD): One of the leading causes of breathing difficulty is COPD. COPD is a progressive lung disease encompassing chronic bronchitis and emphysema.
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Top 5 early signs of menopause

Top 5 early signs of menopause

The end of a woman’s menstrual cycle, known as menopause, typically occurs in the late 40s or 50s. It is a natural biological process that marks the end of the reproductive years and is typically diagnosed when a woman has gone through 12 consecutive months without having a menstrual period. Women may experience various uncomfortable signs and symptoms leading up to this period, making daily activities challenging. Here are some indications of menopause. Anxiety The menopause period brings a lot of hormonal changes that can have physical and psychological effects. Commonly experienced feelings include stress, anxiety, and depression. Seeking the help of a therapist is usually recommended to manage these emotional changes. Additionally, joining a support group can benefit those going through these changes. Difficulty sleeping It can be challenging for women experiencing menopause symptoms, especially when getting enough sleep. Insomnia is a significant concern for many women due to the various symptoms they may be experiencing, such as anxiety, hot flashes, and night sweats. While treatments are available to help with sleep, it’s important to note that these symptoms can persist for years and won’t go away quickly. Seeking guidance from a healthcare professional can help manage these symptoms.
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4 warning signs of sleep deprivation

4 warning signs of sleep deprivation

Sleeping helps the body repair and rejuvenate the cells, which helps an individual stay energetic and free from health complications. Each individual must get between seven and eight hours of sleep daily. That said, given people’s busy lives, thousands do not meet the daily criteria for rest. Such individuals may suffer from multiple complications due to a lack of sleep. Here are four warning signs of sleep deprivation to look out for: Reduced cognitive function Getting the right amount of rest helps the brain generate new connections between the nerve cells, improve focus and productivity, and analyze and process information. So if one finds trouble with any of these functions, they might experience sleep deprivation. Lack of sleep may result in brain exhaustion and impair cognitive function. One should get this diagnosed by an expert because a sleep-deprived brain can affect day-to-day functioning. Decreased immune system The body is prone to illnesses, including a cold, cough, and headache. However, if the symptoms occur on multiple occasions or are chronic, that could indicate a weakened immune system. The body revitalizes and repairs itself during sleep. Lack of proper rest could prevent the restoration of cells, which may deteriorate one’s immunity. Furthermore, insufficient rest could make one susceptible to infections and hamper recovery.
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3 mistakes to avoid while pumping breast milk

3 mistakes to avoid while pumping breast milk

Breastfeeding is a unique process that new mothers have to learn. No two feeding experiences are alike, so one has to figure out what works for them. This can help one cherish this phase of nurturing a newborn. Additionally, one may have to pump and store breast milk for times when they may not be able to breastfeed. There can be some hiccups along the way, so here are common breast-pumping mistakes to avoid: Using the wrong shield size The breast shield comes in different sizes to suit different women. The standard size is 24mm; however, this may not fit everyone, so one may have to check and re-order a shield in the right size. Pumping with the wrong size shield can lead to pain in the nipples, reduced output, and also nipple damage. So one should find the best shield size for them. Stopping too soon This is a common mistake one can make. When pumping breast milk, one may begin to notice that the milk dribbles out. After a few seconds, the milk can start to spray out from the milk ducts. This is called a letdown reflex, which a lot of mothers describe being a pins and needles sensation.
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