4 foods to omit for healthy lungs

4 foods to omit for healthy lungs

When it comes to health, what you introduce into your body and environment holds great importance. This holds for lung health as well. With increased levels of air and water pollution surrounding us, impaired lung capacity is a growing concern. In such a scenario, avoiding foods that could further contribute to the deterioration of your lungs is necessary. Avoiding foods that can compromise lung health can also help maintain heart health. Processed meat Increased intake of highly processed meats like bacon, sausages, hot dogs, and other deli meats has long been linked to compromised lung health. According to numerous research results, daily intake of processed forms of meat can impair lung function, increasing the risk of developing and triggering conditions like COPD. A set of research also found the rehospitalization rate to be higher in COPD patients that continued using processed meat. The problem is the high salt content and the subsequent water retention these foods can cause. Added sugar Sugars that are not naturally present in food and have been added as a measure of taste enhancement or preservation are added sugars. Most often, it is in the form of refined sugar or other syrups. Commonly occurring foods with added sugars include cereals, granola, cakes, flavored yogurts, and more.
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Foods to avoid and remedies for Crohn’s disease and ulcerative colitis

Foods to avoid and remedies for Crohn’s disease and ulcerative colitis

Inflammatory bowel diseases (IBD) can cause severe discomfort and hamper day-to-day functioning in their more advanced stages. Ulcerative colitis and Crohn’s disease are two common IBDs affecting several individuals at different severity levels. Ulcerative colitis (UC) involves inflammation and ulcers in the large intestine’s inner lining, whereas Crohn’s disease is characterized by swelling of the large intestine. Here are some foods patients with UC and Crohn’s disease should avoid, together with some treatment options. Whole grains Whole grains can irritate the gastrointestinal tract among individuals suffering from UC and Crohn’s disease. It helps to avoid consuming whole, unprocessed grains like buckwheat, brown rice, rolled oats, and wild rice varieties. In addition, white rice and instant oats may be more easily digestible. Raspberries A cup of raspberries contains 8 grams of fiber, a no-no for individuals with UC and Crohn’s. Replacing such high-fiber fruits with low-fiber alternatives, such as cantaloupes, watermelons, nectarines, peaches, and fresh fruit juices without pulp, will help. Broccoli Cruciferous vegetables like broccoli and cauliflower contain high levels of insoluble fiber, which is difficult to digest and can aggravate existing digestive problems like UC and Crohn’s disease. It helps to avoid such vegetables and replace them with more easily digestible alternatives like asparagus tips, cucumber, and cooked spinach.
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5 Foods that may worsen inflammatory bowel diseases

5 Foods that may worsen inflammatory bowel diseases

Inflammatory bowel disease (IBD) is the umbrella term for health conditions involving inflammation of the gastrointestinal tract. IBD is primarily categorized into ulcerative colitis (UC) and Crohn’s disease, which affect one’s moods and involve symptoms like nausea, abdominal pain, fatigue, and rectal bleeding. In addition, a person’s food habits and treatment course are crucial in controlling IBD symptoms. Here is some information on UC and Crohn’s disease and foods individuals with these conditions must avoid. Ulcerative colitis Ulcerative colitis (UC) is an IBD involving inflammation in the colon and rectum. Ulcers develop in the rectum and the large intestine’s inner lining, causing severe pain and discomfort. Individuals with UC may experience symptoms like diarrhea, abdominal pain, rectal bleeding, and an inability to defecate despite feeling the urge. Crohn’s disease Crohn’s disease is an IBD characterized by gastrointestinal tract inflammation. It typically begins with the small intestine, progressing to the large intestinal lining. The affected areas usually appear as patches in the latter condition. Moreover, while UC only affects the large intestine’s innermost lining, Crohn’s can occur in any part of the tract. Foods to avoid Changing one’s nutritional habits is crucial in managing IBDs like UC and Crohn’s disease. It is because certain food items tend to trigger flare-ups among people diagnosed with these conditions.
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Avoid these 3 foods to boost gut health

Avoid these 3 foods to boost gut health

Our body is home to tons of different microorganisms and bacteria. Most of these bacteria reside in our gut and are known as the gut microbiome. The gut microbiome is essential for absorbing nutrients, supporting the immune system, and maintaining the body’s overall health. This is why it is crucial to know which foods to foods could harm your gut health. And one must avoid such foods at all costs to improve overall well-being. Artificial sweeteners Artificial sweeteners and flavors are found in various processed foods. But, when we consume the latter, the former does not break down in the body. Instead, they leave the body undigested and affect the microorganisms in the gut, leading to gas, bloating, and diarrhea, which may be severe based on how much sweetener you have consumed. Studies have also found that consuming artificial sweeteners increases the risk of developing harmful gut bacteria such as E. coli and E. faecalis. When purchasing foods off the shelf, ensure that the foods do not contain artificial sweeteners such as Stevia, sucralose, aspartame, and saccharin. Fried foods Fried foods are unsuitable for the body’s overall health and can affect gut health negatively. Fried and oily foods are more difficult to digest than organic foods.
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Top foods to choose when dealing with thyroid cancer

Top foods to choose when dealing with thyroid cancer

The metabolic functions of the body are regulated by the thyroid gland through the production of hormones. When affected by thyroid cancer, one could experience health complications and should seek immediate treatment to remove the tumor. However, when treating the condition, it is critical to make better food choices. This can help reduce symptoms and avoid interfering with the treatment. So, here are some foods to choose from while undergoing thyroid cancer treatment: Vegetables Fresh vegetables, especially cruciferous and green vegetables, are crucial components of all meal plans. They are rich in magnesium and minerals, making them excellent nutrient sources. Green vegetables also help improve metabolism, particularly in the thyroid gland. So, people with the condition should opt for foods like spinach and lettuce. These vegetables can also help with symptoms like muscle pain, fatigue, and an irregular heartbeat due to their high magnesium content. Fruits and berries Many fruits, such as strawberries, tomatoes, raspberries, bananas, and apples, are high in antioxidants. These help with thyroid function and help fight toxic substances that can worsen thyroid-related issues. Thes fruits also support the body’s ability to stay healthy and fight diseases. Nuts Almonds, cashews, and pumpkin seeds are excellent sources of magnesium.
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7 silent warning signs of thyroid cancer

7 silent warning signs of thyroid cancer

The thyroid gland is situated at the base of the neck. It helps produce hormones to regulate crucial body functions like heart rate, body temperature, and blood pressure. An uncontrolled growth of cells in this gland is known as thyroid cancer. While most thyroid cancers are curable, it is vital to identify the symptoms early for effective treatment. Here are seven must-know silent warning signs of thyroid cancer that help diagnose the condition. Sleep changes Abnormal cell growth in the thyroid gland can cause it to produce excess amounts of hormones like triiodothyronine (T3) and thyroxine (T4). These hormones overstimulate the central nervous system and lead to insomnia. Therefore, if an individual’s sleep patterns change abruptly, it could indicate thyroid cancer. Fatigue The human body often tires after a hard day’s work or strenuous physical activity. But those with thyroid cancer may experience fatigue upon waking up after a good night’s sleep. It is because an underactive thyroid may lead to lesser production of the hormones necessary to stay energetic. Bowel irregularities The thyroid gland helps keep the digestive tract running smoothly. So, someone with thyroid cancer may have subtle signs of an underactive thyroid, including poor hormone production, which may lead to regular constipation.
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Multiple myeloma – Foods to eat and avoid

Multiple myeloma – Foods to eat and avoid

Multiple myeloma is a type of blood cancer that develops in the bone marrow and affects the production of healthy blood cells. It typically affects the plasma, the largest part of the blood, and its ability to develop antibodies. While there is no cure for this cancer, it can be managed by making certain changes in lifestyle. For instance, exercising, having medications, and eating and avoiding certain foods can help keep the disease under control. Freshly cooked vegetables Darks greens and starchy vegetables are rich sources of vitamins and minerals that help boost immunity. Those who have been diagnosed with multiple myeloma are also at risk of developing anemia. Doctors advise including more iron-rich foods to reduce the risk of low red blood cell count. One can add broccoli, kale, brussels sprouts, and bell peppers to their means, as they are rich in iron. Additionally, carrots and artichokes are rich in fiber. Fiber boosts digestion and reduces the risk of constipation, a common symptom observed during chemotherapy treatment. Fresh fruits Fruits, rich in antioxidants, can counter oxidative stress and boost immunity. Blueberries, raspberries, cherries, cranberries, strawberries, and blackberries are cancer-fighting fruits that help combat the damage done to healthy cells.
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6 common foods that trigger eosinophilic esophagitis

6 common foods that trigger eosinophilic esophagitis

Eosinophilic esophagitis (EoE) is a chronic inflammatory condition that affects the esophagus. This condition can make it difficult to swallow and easier for food to get stuck in the food pipe. People with EoE develop allergic reactions to certain foods, causing their esophagi to swell up and become narrow. Doctors may recommend an elimination method to understand which foods trigger EoE in patients. The most common foods that trigger Eosinophilic Esophagitis are: Eggs: Apart from whole eggs, also avoid any foods that contain eggs, such as eggnog, mayonnaise, meringue, surimi, and egg substitutes. Beware of egg content in baked goods and puddings. Ingredients to watch out for in packaged goods include albumin, lysozyme, ovalbumin, lecithin, globulin, and ovovitellin. Wheat: Avoid foods rich in wheat, such as bread, couscous, crackers, most flours, pasta, and pizza crusts. Wheat ingredients to look out for are bulgar, durum, einkorn, emmer, farina, Kamut, matzoh, semolina, spelt, and triticale. Instead, opt for gluten-free foods made from potato, rice, or tapioca. Soy: Soy-rich foods to avoid include edamame, miso, natto, shoyu, soy sauce, soybean, tamari, tempeh, tofu, and Quorn. Soy ingredients can be found on packaged goods under the name of soy, soy flour, soy fiber, soy protein, and textured vegetable protein.
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Top 4 foods that help manage eosinophilic esophagitis

Top 4 foods that help manage eosinophilic esophagitis

Eosinophilic esophagitis is a chronic inflammatory immune condition that causes eosinophils to build up in the esophagus lining. This build-up can lead to symptoms such as trouble with swallowing food, allergic reactions, chest pain, and more. The condition is caused mainly due to allergic reactions to outside food substances. This is why it is important to avoid certain types of food and food allergens and instead opt for a few healthy alternatives such as: Dairy-free alternatives Dairy products such as milk, cheese, butter, ghee, etc., should be avoided to manage eosinophilic esophagitis, as dairy products are common food allergens. Long exposure to these foods could lead to the development of eosinophilic esophagitis. Individuals who have EoE should switch to dairy-free alternatives instead of dairy products. They can try milk substitutes from coconut, hemp, and even rice. Moreover, dairy-free cheese and yogurt give the essential nutrients a body requires for smooth functioning. Nuts Nuts are also a big no-no when it comes to eosinophilic esophagitis. Those with this condition should avoid nuts like peanuts and cashews. They should also avoid nut butter, nut-based foods, and nut milk. That said, some nuts are safe for consumption, even with eosinophilic esophagitis. These include macadamia nuts and pine nuts.
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5 early signs of breast cancer

5 early signs of breast cancer

When affected by cancer, one’s healthy cells grow and mutate uncontrollably. Breast cancer develops when the cells in the breast lobules, ducts, or connective tissue multiply abnormally, affecting various areas of the organ. Breast cancer accounts for nearly 30% of the diagnosed cancer cases among women in the country. Even men are at risk of developing one of its subtypes. So, here are some of the early signs of the condition one can observe: Lumps If one notices a new lump under the breast or arms, it should be checked immediately, as this excess growth could indicate abnormal cell mutation. This is a clearly noticeable early sign of breast cancer. Lumps that persist even after experiencing normal periods could indicate cancer development. These lumps can develop with irregular hard edges, primarily indicating the presence of cancerous tissue. Changes in the nipples One should also check for changes in the shape of the nipple. If there is any retraction or inversion of the nipple causing pain that persists for a while, one should immediately seek professional assistance. A clear, brownish, yellowish, or reddish discharge from one or both breasts could also indicate the initial stages of breast cancer. Redness and itchiness Breast cancer also presents several surface irritation symptoms, including redness in a particular spot, persistent itching, skin irritation, a developing rash, and swelling in the affected area.
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